Turbo Website Reviewer helps to identify your SEO mistakes and optimize your web page contents for a better search engine ranking. It also offers side-by-side SEO comparisons with your competitors. Analysis report also be downloaded as PDF file for offline usage.
In-depth Analysis Report:
Main Features:
- Branded PDF Reports (PDF Report Demo)- User Management System
- OAuth Login Support (Google, Facebook and Twitter)
- Multilingual Support
- Multilingual SEO Friendly URL Support
- Responsive design
- Powerful admin control panel
- Inbuilt Analytics (Track your visitors traffic, source of traffic etc..)
- One-Click Ads integration
- Easy Maintenance Mode
- Captcha Protection (Google reCAPTCHA Included)
- Google analytics support
- Inbuilt Sitemap Generator
- Advance Mailer for Account Activation, Password reset etc..
- Support both SMTP and Native PHP mail
- Contact page for visitors to contact you easily
- Create unlimited custom pages
- Support Theme Customization / Custom Coded Themes
- Add-ons Support
- Shortcode System
- Adblock Detection
- Application Level DDoS Detection / Protection
- Easy Installer Panel
Front End Demo:http://ift.tt/2rwTCVT
Admin Panel Demo:
(At admin panel, some features are disabled for security reasons)
Multilingual SEO Friendly URL
- PHP 5.4.0 or above- PDO and MySQLI extension
- GD Extension
- Mcrypt Extension
- Rewrite module
- WHOIS Port – TCP 43 must be allowed
- “allow_url_fopen” must be allowed.
- SMTP Mail Server (optional)
Free Screenshot API
Website Preview use ProThemes Screenshot API. You don’t need to spend bucks for generating website screenshot. We providing 99% uptime guarantee free website screenshot service, for free of charge without any watermark of logo / brand name.Easy Installation
- No advanced technical knowledge required.- Also only few seconds and clicks are needed, to install the script.
- Works with main domain, sub-domain names and sub-paths.
Change Log
Version 1.0
- Initial release
CodeCanyon new PHP Scripts items