Sentinel - Simple Twitter Sentiment Analysis (Ratings and Charts)

Sentinel - Simple Twitter Sentiment Analysis (Ratings and Charts)

Sentinel is a simple, easy to use web app that allows you to see what the world feels about a certain word or phrase, using Twitter to get the most up to date content. Alternatively, it can also be used to check between a specified time period, allowing for progress tracking at different stages, giving you an incredibly valuable insight as to whether your users or customers have a positive or negative feeling about your product/service.

By using the most up-to-date information from Twitter’s realtime feed, you can gain that much needed foot up on your competition. Easily track multiple words or phrases via the dashboard, and check the progress via both statistics and visual aids.

Coming Soon

  • Graphs & charts
  • More historical data
  • Larger word lists
  • And many more features!

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