fasebook is the one and lonely clone of well know social network the Facebook.It allows you to setup your dream site, your own social network like Facebook.This new social network rolls all the best bits of our previous social network and old/new ideas into one, easy to install and manage.fasebook platform has countless features with countless browser support including IE9 class old browsers.It has modern responsive design, retina display ready, complete facebook look as well as features, graphs, charts, smart messenger, 4 advance search engines and much more.
Admin demo : Admin demo (No credentials required for demo)
Live preview
User demo : User demo (Open registration no email verification)Admin demo : Admin demo (No credentials required for demo)
You can log in using demo account- Username : livedemo
- Password : demoversion
- Auto image orientation
- Admin can’t save setings or execute reports
- Emails(Both email notifications and email verification)
- Demo user can’t follow/unfollow, save settings or change covers
User features
- News Feed (Activities): displays posts posted by people you follows, videos shared, friends suggestions, trending users from previous month, people you may know sections, online users, recently logged out users trending personalities(facebook like suggested pages) and users activity.
- Profile : Displays your profile along with timeline, gallery, people you are connected with, information about you like where did you studied, where did you work, profile intro, your age,birth.etc…
- Messenger : fasebook too supports Messenger functionality like Facebook.Add covers, icons or description to your chats.Add or remove your friends in new or existing chats.Messenger has number of enhanced features like chat groups, group admins, group name and descriptions.Group users can request group admin for addition of users or removal of member which makes groups more friendly for all the group users.
- Hashtags : There are number of scripts out there including Facebook which supports #hashtags.But fasebook really make diffrence because it has a advance Hashtag search engine which is not even available in Facebook.
- Mentions : Like hashtags we made mentions cool once again.fasebook supports two type of mentions.Now these two type of mentions had a great impact on users’s personal interactions.Users can mention someone silently as someone!(where someone is username) or along with a notification as @someone.
- Real time content : fasebook supports real time profile notifications, real time chat notifications, real time chats, real time friends activity, real time recently logged and real time online friends.
- Search Photos : fasebook supports the fourth kind of search, photos search by which users can search photos directly in the search bar by typing someone’s username.
- Search Profile : Along with Facebook we too introduced profile Search which has lot of possibilites in future.Using Profile search users can easily search for content within their own profile.Profile search has three data scopes User’s followers, User’s followings list and user’s posts.
- Search Hashtags : is just awesome beacuse it allows users to narrow hashtag results and surf unlimited.Well it has number of features which are not even available in any script, anywhere in the world.In Hashtag search users can set post source filters(user’s followings,anyone), post type(status updates, photos or videos) ,post date filters and more coming soon.
- Search With Dynamic Filters : is the most up to date search engine technology(Currently in use by Facebook) which makes this script really different.It doesn’t offers old fashioned age or gender filters.It supports custom filters, which are dynamic.Users can attach diferent keywords for diferent sections of profile information.I recommend you to check it out in live preview.
- Trending photos : is the most entertaining section of this platform where users can find latest as well as top photos posted on network.Users can filter trending photos using date filters.
- Privacy : fasebook made privacy a mixed solution of instagram and Facebook privacy functionality, by which users can set privacy on posts(Same for all posts(like instagram)), followers, gallery and all the remain sections of thier profile in particular(like facebook).Plus Users can set privacy on their cover and profile phtos too.
- Notifications : This platform supports real time notifiations as well as simple noifications for new messages and new profile interactions.Users can turn on/off real time notifications.
- Notifications center : is the place where users can see all up their notifications.Users can filter notifications too(See only unread, requests etc..)
- Email Notifications : Users are notified on their email when someone likes, comments, mention, follow or accepted follow request.Users can turn on/off emails on any event.
- Report : Users can report photos, posts, comments and users.Users can add tags to report too.Reporting system is very intelligent and content once marked safe can’t be reported until it’s edited.
- Info Site : fasebook had a full featured sub site template using which you can add information for users like privacy policies, help-topics etc.
- Multi-Language : not only is fasebook social network is translation ready, it’s multi-language support is extended to all the sections of website including privacy policy, terms, libraries.
- Much more : there are number of features which are not listed.
Admin features
- Statistics : Dashboard is quite modern.It supports graphs, line charts, pie charts and bar charts.All the above listed stuff will give you the important information about all time stocks, website performance mixed graph based on last seven days data, website storage status, website cache(website thumb acceleration), users, registrations, photos, issues and much more.
- Manage Users : allows admin manage all your website users.Admin can search, edit, update, suspend and verify(Profile or Email) users.Admin can filter users on Admin search and manage users.
- Manage Reports : allows admin manage all reports.Admin an filter, mark safe, execute(delete reported content).
- Manage Sponsors : allows admin manage website sponsors(ads).Admin can edit/update ads which includes 6 pop-ads and 6 fixed ads.
- Manage Themes : Activate or Deactivate themes.Manage themes support Auto-detection for non supported themes.
- User settings : Set defaults for new registrations.Turn on/off email verification, captcha, Maximum image upload size, auto image orientation fixer and image dimensions (Different for different sections), saving quality, SMTP settings and much more.
- Website settings : Change photos, followers, followings, search results, posts, comments, chat conversations per page.Change the character limit per Post and Chat Message Change Minimum and maximum character limit for usernames and passwords. Turn on/off Infinite scrolling and much more Edit website title, brand name and font colours on welcome screen.
Script features
- Pure AJAX : It’s not dynamic page load site-wide it’s advance page loading with ability to load content in parts.For example, navigation once fetched will be preserved till user leave website.
- Advance settings : Script settings are proceesed and located inside one file.You can go beyond admin panel and edit more of your website features which includes enabling/disabling trending hastags on search main, trending hashtags on other pages etc…, friends activity, online friends, suggestions, trending users, people you may now…. alomost everything can be enabled/disabled.In settings file you can change uploads locations and other import text limits too.
- Design : Website default theme is 100% responsive and supports almost every device.You will find how pixel pefect the design really is in the live preview.Scipt had different layouts for different browsers too.Some features will automattically replaced with others for IE 9 and other old browsers.In this platform we had extended back the product support to IE 9 and many other old browser.To experience most of the features i recommend you to take preview in a modern browser like Chrome or Mozilla.
- Security : Each validation goes through two security function which prevents XSS as well as SQL Injects so you can easily handle or update security features.
- Ligtweight and Clean code : Script structure is well designed and flexible.No part of the script code is encrypted or without comments.The whole script size is under 2MB.
- MUCH MORE : As i said earlier it has plenty of features plus countless browser support you must take live preview.If you want to exprience layout features like dead end scroller for desktop users and JQuery detacher must check it on a desktop.Some extra added features which makes this prouct ready to use are SMTP integration (PHPmailer), Custom scrolls, Password recovery, Show more for large text paragraphs in posts, Email verification, URL rewrite rules and much more..
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