EvenTO - Event & Seminar Seat Booking System (Help and Support Tools)

EvenTO - Event & Seminar Seat Booking System (Help and Support Tools)
“EvenTO” is the most advanced online Seat booking software for businesses running courses, classes or events. Our technology sits at the heart of event-based organizations just like yours, all around the world, helping them to generate new bookings, manage guest, invite guest and reduce admin. We offer a free, full-feature, no-commitment trial, our system is 100% OpenSource. There is no minimum contract period and no software to download or update. Start taking bookings online today.


Frontend: http://event.rexbd.net/

Backend: http://ift.tt/2i3Ek83

Backend Login: User: admin || Pass: admin

Key Feature’s:

* Gorgeous FrontEnd.
* Student & Job-holder Both Registration system.
* Invite via SMS Support.
* Dynamic SMS Content Set Support.
* Email Content Set Support.
* Sponsor Manage System.
* Secure Admin Panel.
* Interactive Admin Dashboard.
* A-Z Registration List.
* Manualy Confirmation System.
* Manualy Invite System.
* Confirm List.
* Manage Ticket.
* Ticket Modification.
* Website Title, TOP Manage.
* Email & Email Content Modification.
* Top & Footer Banner Modification.
* Fully Responsive & More…..

Support Fecility:

Please send us your product presale query, after sales developer support request, customization project and any other queries to our dedicated support: rifat636@yahoo.com

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