All Accounting business needs.
Accounting software describes as a software that records and processes accounting transactions within functional modules such as
accounts payable, accounts receivable, payroll, and trial balance. It functions as an accounting information
system…not to mention the security and reliability you’d expect from Accournal.
Dashboard includes total no. of accounts, contacts, bills, suppliers notes, invoices, quotations, customer notes, Items, projects, journals.
- Display current date and time
- Welcome message with User First name
- Total no. of Invoice with status like approved, paid, unpaid, draft
- Total no. of Bills with status like approved, paid, unpaid, draft
Accounts handles all the modules realated to accounting selling, buying, banks accounts, transfer money, receive money.
- Add, view, edit quotations, invoices, customer adjustment notes
- Add, view, edit bills, supplier adjustment notes, make payment
- Projects can be add, delete, view with details
- Items can be add, edit, delete, view with details
- Manage all records of bank accounts, money transfer, money receive and transaction
- List reports incliudes accounts, bank accounts, items, projects, customers, suppliers, tax code lists
- Advisor reports includes payment, receipt, journal, bank reconcilation
Create impressive reports, and use powerful tools to gain insights.Generate more then 25+ attractive reports.
- Financial report includes profit & loss, balance sheet, trial balance, general ledger reports
- Tax report includes GST summary, GST F5 summary, tax code transactions reports
- Customer report includes Invoice item, GST F5 summary, tax code transactions reports
- Supplier report includes bills, supplier transaction, unpaid bills reports
- Reports can be take ouit as Print
Journals provides an explanation of each transaction, lists the transaction amount, and names the accounts affected.The totals of the debits and credits for any transaction must always equal each other, so that an accounting transaction is always said to be “in balance.”
- Add new journal with details like summary, description, select account, customer name, project, debit, credit amount
- View all the journal entries at a time with details date, journal no, journal type, accounts, debit, credit amount, summary
- Particular journal detail with account name, type, credit, tax code, tax, narration, customer name, project name
- Journal entry can be converted into General Ledger
- Journal entry can be delete if not required
Powerful contact management by creating customers and suppliers.It provides a simple form where an customer or supllier can enter contacts information.
- Add new customer or supplier by specify type of caontact with details like first, last, company name, branch, ABN, postal address, phone no, email
- View all the contacts and suppliers at a time with details
- Edit particular contact detail can be manage and update.It maintain consistency in system
- If an contact details is not required longer can be delete
Every business will have different requirements, so we can manage all the required system setup through setting menu.
- Manage chart of account where we can add new account, view all the created accounts at a time, update created account if required
- General setting manage day to day selling setup, day to day buying setup, report setttings
- Tax setting includes add new tax code, edit, view all tax codes at a time with details like name, description, tax rate, visible with status
- Linked accounts where we set account as a default value for tax accounts, sale accounts, purchase accounts
It provide cool tools that solves actual problems. It’s made for small businesses around their daily usages, to provides easy and efficiency work to users.
- Notepad, calculators, wordpad
- Backup data where we can store data in any drive with name and if required, at the time of login you can restore data
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