LARRY is an Admin starter template for Laravel 5.3 PHP Framework which includes all the necessary boilerplate for your next web application.
LARRY has the same requirements that Laravel does but we have mentioned them below anyway for your reference.
Server Requirements:
- PHP >= 5.5.9
- OpenSSL PHP Extension
- Mbstring PHP Extension
- Tokenizer PHP Extension
Optional Requirements:
- Composer
Suggested Dev Environments:
- Mac: MAMP/MAMP Pro/ Laravel Valet (Recommended)
- Windows: WAMP / Laragon (Recommended & Easier to setup)
- Laravel Homestead
- Blog Post CRUD
- Blog Category CRUD
- Blog Tags CRUD
- User CRUD
- Role CRUD
- User Authenticate by ENTRUST
- Login / Logout / Register / Forgot Password
- Simple PHP UNITTEST for all simple page
- Bootstrap v4
- Clean and intuitive design
- Horizontal Layout
- Landing page Included
- 250+ Pages
- 90+ Charts
- Chartjs 2.0
- SAAS Support
- Gulp Support
- Error pages included
- 2500+ Font Icons
- Dashboard
- User Interface
- Buttons
- Cards
- Dropdowns
- Checkboxs-Radios
- Material Design Icons
- Font Awesome
- Themify Icons
- Modals
- Notification
- Range Slider
- Components
- Sweet Alert
- Ratings
- Tree view
- Widgets
- Components
- Grid
- Range sliders
- Sweet Alerts
- Treeview
- Tour
- Calendar
- Widgets
- Tile Box
- Chart Widgets
- Icons
- Material Design
- Ion Icons
- Font awesome
- Themify Icons
- Simple line Icons
- Weather Icons
- Icon PE7
- Typicons
- Forms
- General Elements
- Advanced Form
- Form Validation
- Form Pickers
- Form Wizard
- Form Masks
- Multiple File Upload
- X-editable
- Tables
- Basic Tables
- Data Table
- Responsive Table
- Tablesaw
- Charts
- Flot Chart
- Morris Chart
- Chartjs
- Peity Charts
- Chartist Charts
- C3 Charts
- Sparkline charts
- Jquery Knob
- Pages
- Starter Page
- Login
- Register
- Recover Password
- Lock Screen
- Error 404
- Error 500
- Timeline
- Invoice
CodeCanyon new PHP Scripts items