With VideoSearchXL you can run your own multi source video search engine website within minutes. Let your visitors search for videos from the 3 most popular video websites YouTube, Dailymotion and Vimeo at once.
This easy to install PHP script has a clean responsive design making it easy for mobile, desktop or tablet customers to view and navigate. The homepage features a slider for the most popular videos today and your visitors latest video searches. Searching for videos is done using the YouTube, Dailymotion and Vimeo Api’s, you will get 5 search results from each source for every page. Discover new videos by clicking the ‘surprise me’ button to view a random video.
All video pages also display 10 related videos and an optional Disqus comments box and optional AddThis share buttons. All pages are with SEO OpenGraph meta tags and search engine friendly URL structure optimized for search engines like Google to crawl and index your site. With advertisement spots in place you can easily add Adsense or affiliate ads to monetize your website. VideoSearchXL makes it fun and easy to find, view and share videos.
- Search videos from 3 sources (YouTube, Dailymotion and Vimeo) at Once
- Search results pagination
- Popular videos carousel
- Latest video searches
- Surprise video function
- Ads ready video pages
- Video details
- Related videos
- AddThis share buttons (optional)
- Disqus comments (optional)
- Font Awesome Icons
- Analystics ready
- Advertisements ready
- Responsive design
- SEO options
- OpenGraph meta tags
- Contact form with anti-spam protection
- Runs on autopilot
- No database required
- Easy install
- PHP 5.x
- cURL
- YouTube Api Key
- Vimeo Api Token (optional)
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