Want to start a film review blog but want to start small? TARS is the theme that you are looking for!
Tars is the only premium Tumblr theme that has a star rating review feature. All you need to do is add your score as a tag on your review post and the star rating will be shown.
- Star Rating via Post Tags
- Fully Customization via Tumblr Customize Panel
- All Post Types and Pages supported
- Google Fonts
- Index Page Slider (Flexslider)
- Off-canvas Menu for mobile devices
- Twitter Feed Widget
- Social Media Links
- Image Lightbox (Magnific Popup)
- Google Analytics
- Disqus Comments
- Well documented
- and more inside!
Please note that this theme is quite unique at handling Tumblr posts and might require you to put more work on formatting your blog posts.
But do not get put off by this as everything you need to know about this will be covered on the Documentation.
- Zurb Foundation 5
- Unsplash
- Google Fonts
- Google Material Design Icons via Flaticon
- Magnific Popup
- moment.js
- Flexslider
- Tars Logo shape from mining’s Total Inked Vintage Logo Toolkit available HERE. (logo not included on the theme)
ThemeForest new Blogging items