B.review is a simple, clean, modern and professional Blogger Template for News and Magazine or Personal Blog. It’s totally responsive so it adapts to your style as well as the device it’s viewed on. It’s loaded with great features: ready shortcodes, unlimited colors and fonts, mega menu with shortcodes – no code touching anymore. Especially blog can display gallery on homepages like many advanced Wordpress themes. You can display anything from post inside into homepage by using our shortcode – standard, Aside, Gallery Slideshow, Gallery Grid, Link, Image, Quote, Audio, Video, powerful theme options panel and more.. Moreover, like many our templates, we used new technique to keep thumbnails quality (thumbnails smart-resize) – no distortion as other blogs.
Template Features.
- Responsive Layout
- Font Awesome – retina ready icon set
- Unlimited colors and fonts.
- Sidebar free adding and sorting.
- Social Media Buttons
- Ready Shortcodes
- Video, Soundcloud embed easily
- Ready to display Gallery Slideshow, Gallery Grid, Link, Image, Quote, Audio, Video and all things into Homepage
- Powerful Admin Panel
- SEO Optimized
- Smart Thumnails Resize.
- Documentation
- Mega Menu
All of our items come with free support. Support is limited to questions regarding the theme’s features or problems with the theme. We are not able to provide support for code customizations or third-party plugins.
ThemeForest new Blogging items