Linux Web Hosting Control Panel (Miscellaneous)

Linux Web Hosting Control Panel (Miscellaneous)

Web hosting control panel is same like CPanel, Direct Admin etc. where you can manage your server. it has simple interface, do not have any monthly fee. Our Control Panel is only for Linux Servers (VPS, Dedicated etc). Now you can manage your Linus VPS Servers without paying manage fee to hosting company. it is written in PHP and uses many open-source (or Freely Available) software packages to provide a secure, web hosting system. with our control panel you can Manage your Mailbox, FTP Users, MySql database and users etc. we have also included few tools like PhpMyAdmin, File Manager, AfterLogic Webmail Lite, PhpInfo, System Info, IP Blacklist Checker.

Currently our install support Centos and Fedora Operating system for installation, we will include other Linux Server Installer soon in our next updates, it is in first stage we are hoping to include more features and APPs in our next update.

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