iTranslate - A Powerful Tool that Automates Translation of Your Laravel Apps (Miscellaneous)

iTranslate - A Powerful Tool that Automates Translation of Your Laravel Apps (Miscellaneous)

iTranslate is a powerful tool which automates the translation of your laravel applications, you need not pay an extra dine for an api or group of people to help with translation. iTranslate utilize a simple module to communicate with Google Translator servers for free, and can easily translate your application to about 100+ languages which Google translator supports

This is specially built for Laravel lovers, all you need to do is compress your localization files, select the source language as well as target languages. Drag and drop your compressed file into the upload section and click submit. Then sit back and wait till its completed, after which you can download the generated files for your translations.

Coupled with effective email notification system, you can get notified about task completion. This helps you focus on what really matters… Your Application.


  • Elegant Design: Fully responsive design, built with bootstrap
  • Core Feature: The following is an outline of its core features.
    • iTranslate supports Array type of Laravel Localization so its okay to build you application with it
    • iTranslate also supports Json type of Laravel Localization so its okay to build you application with it
    • Effective email notification system are put in place which helps you keep track of task process.
    • Even more exciting is that, iTranslate is able to scan your projects for JSON keys, so once you are done with building your awesome app with JSON Localization, you can easily drop the compressed project in the tool, while it scans for JSON keys used.
    • Effective statistics chart and counts are put in place to let you know the amount of work done.
    • Do you have any suggestion for the improvement of iTranslate, please let us know via the comment section or support.
  • Security: Be certain of full security, and may never have to suffer any manner of web compromise.
  • ...and much more



  • PHP >= 7.1
    • fileinfo extension
    • gd extension
    • mbstring extension
    • json extension
    • tokenizer extension
    • open ssl extension
  • Mod Rewrite Module Enabled
  • MYSQL >= 5.7

Change Log

- 1.0.0: First Release

CodeCanyon new PHP Scripts items

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