What is it?
Nested sets or Nested Set Model is a way to effectively store hierarchical data in a relational table. The main features are:
- Generation of select elements for forms
- Generation of lists (ul) consistent with Twitters Bootstrap framework
- Generation of raw nested (multidimensional) arrays so everyone can extend the script if needed without much trouble
As an bonus you get a Database class which makes use of PHP’s PDO for communication with the database. You can easily get rid of it and implement your own database class.
Example #1:
The following code$root = Mptt::factory()->create_root('Root node'); // $root stores the id of the new node
Mptt::factory()->create_child('Child node 1', $root);
Mptt::factory()->create_child('Child node 2', $root);
$child = Mptt::factory()->create_child('Child node 3', $root);
Mptt::factory()->create_child('Child node 4', $root);
Mptt::factory()->create_child('Child node 5', $root);
$sibling = Mptt::factory()->create_child('Child of child', $child);
Mptt::factory()->create_sibling('Sibling of child', $sibling);
...will generate a data structure similar to the one on the screenshot bellow:
Example #2
// Calling as_select will generate a valid select element
echo Mptt::factory($root)->as_select('nodes');
You can than print the path with a simple loop.
Example #3
// Calling get_path will generate a path to the desired node
echo Mptt::factory()->get_path(7);
[1] => Array
[id] => 1
[title] => Root node
[lft] => 1
[rgt] => 16
[4] => Array
[id] => 4
[title] => Child node 3
[lft] => 6
[rgt] => 11
[7] => Array
[id] => 7
[title] => Child of child
[lft] => 7
[rgt] => 8
Here is a complete list of functions and their description: <tbody> </tbody>
as_array() | Returns raw array |
as_html() | Creates a multi-level menu compatible with the Bootstrap css framework |
as_select() | Creates a HTML form select element of the whole tree |
create_child() | Creates a new child node of the node with the given id |
create_root() | Creates a root node |
create_sibling() | Creates a new sibling next to the given node |
delete_node() | Deletes a node and all it’s children |
factory() | Sets config and returns Mptt object |
get_items() | Gets items depending on provided criteria and stores them in a local array |
get_node() | Gets an object with all data of a node |
get_path() | Gets a array containing the path to defined node |
is_descendant() | Checks whether the node is a descendant of another |
is_leaf() | Checks whether the node is leaf or not (A node is leaf when it has no child nodes) |
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