Elegant is a minimal, responsive, business landing page / one page HTML5 template based on Bootstrap 3. This multipurpose, fully customizable template includes 14 modules, AJAX subscription and contact form, over 1000+ webfont icons and much more!
Oh man, so stylish, much classy, wow!
Dignified solution for all gentlemen! Very expressive shape hits with intense power, perfectly balanced and unique touch. It is delicate and straight and lets you enjoy its harmonious adjustment for a very long time. When you use Elegant, do so with pride.
Means to succeed.
Responsiveness and flexibility achieved thru Bootstrap 3 framework gives you assurance of triumph. Wide spectrum of newest technologies such as scrolling gallery, content reveal, animated Twitter feed, AJAX forms, MailChimp support and many overlay effects makes it the only template you will ever want.
Customer satisfaction
- Responsive design
- Bootstrap 3.1
- 1000+ vector icons
- Retina-ready
- Animated Twitter feed
- MailChimp subscription form
- AJAX forms: subscription and contact
- Content reveal
- jQuery preloader
- Google Web Fonts
- Comprehensive online documentation
- Well documented HTML, CSS and JS files
- Custom header overlays (image, gradient, color) + 10 free PNG image overlays
- Scrolling galleries
- Social icons
- W3C Valid HTML
- HTML 5 and CSS 3
- Multi-Browser Support
ver. 1.0 (19.05.2015) - initial release
A gentleman’s respect.
- Bootstrap getbootstrap.com
- jQuery library jquery.com
- Backstretch http://ift.tt/yPnKet
- HTML5 Shiv http://ift.tt/mLOzmk
- Respond http://ift.tt/YaQglP
- Device.js http://ift.tt/1r4vUbE
- jQuery Tweetie http://ift.tt/1tryBav
- ajaxChimp http://ift.tt/X2HKsU
- Grids.js http://ift.tt/1IW67wb
- CounterUp http://ift.tt/1EOsUrq
- jQuery easing http://ift.tt/1IW67Mp
- jQuery waypoints http://ift.tt/1Aq00fp
- WOW.js http://ift.tt/1fGxM5m
- Animate.css http://ift.tt/1bHu1f5
- Owl carousel 2 owlcarousel.owlgraphic.com/
- Background photos unsplash.com/
ThemeForest new Marketing items