Music Add-on for crea8social – PHP Social Networking Platform
Enable popups when:*upload music *create collection *add music to collection *delete collection *buy songs *edit songs *send feedback.
- Allows uploading multiple files.
- Can edit all details of song if they are not available.
- The user can use the history of music played for two months ago.
- The songs can be sorted.
- Purchasing a song, the user can download how many time he want on different devices.
- If a green flag exists next to the “Play” button, it means that this song is also available for be purchased.
- The videos can be displayed in the big layer popup if the user click on video icon else have been displayed onmouseover event or can be watched later.
- The recommended section appears just in your own collections.
- CSS transition for each event.
- Create unlimited playlists and organize your tracks.
- Show details about who sings on the left side bottom.
- Setting zooming mode for the popup layer. (chrome)
- Update the history order of each played song.
- The green lamp turns on automatically when new songs are avalaible in your added collections.
- Enabled background playing.
- The radio stations are created by all genres of music.
- The search is improved with suggestions.
- Allows touchscreen for all iOS version.
- Auto resizing by window height and width.
- The navigation is enhanced with history pushstate so that it provides easy access to previous pages.
- Can repeat the whole playlist or just a song.
- Shuffle – Turn on / off.
- The user can identfy the current playing song by one click on the “Now playing” button.
- Loading more songs on scroll event
- Live search in friends list
- ... much more in demonstration page.
- PHP curl to be enabled
- Cookie to be enabled
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