Synoptic – Live Visual Webdesign Editor (AJAX+PHP) (Project Management Tools)

Synoptic – Live Visual Webdesign Editor (AJAX+PHP) (Project Management Tools)

<img src=”; title=”Synoptic Live Visual Webdesign Editor” alt=”Synoptic Live Visual Webdesign Editor” />

<img src=”; title=”Synoptic Live Visual Webdesign Editor – Try it Free now” alt=”Synoptic Live Visual Webdesign Editor – Try it Free now” /> <img src=”; title=”Synoptic Live Visual Webdesign Editor – Documentation” alt=”Synoptic Live Visual Webdesign Editor – Documentation” />

<img src=”; title=”Synoptic Live Visual Webdesign Editor – What is Synoptic Webdesign Editor” alt=”Synoptic Live Visual Webdesign Editor – What is Synoptic Webdesign Editor” />

Synoptic – Live Visual Webdesign editor is a web drawer ( a design editor plugin ) which allow you to “draw” your website as you wish ( as you always dreamed).

<img src=”; title=”Synoptic Live Visual Webdesign Editor – Devices” alt=”Synoptic Live Visual Webdesign Editor – Devices” />

Now you can re-design your website or make it look great for every device or resolution very easy, like a child draws a flower (NO CODE KNOWLEDGE NEEDED).

<img src=”; title=”Synoptic Live Visual Web Design Editor – Click here to see it in action” alt=”Synoptic Live Visual Web Design Editor – Click here to see it in action” />

If your website is not responsive yet you can buid it with Synoptic – Live Visual Webdesign editor.

<img src=”; title=”Synoptic Live Visual Webdesign Editor – Free Support and Installation” alt=”Synoptic Live Visual Webdesign Editor – Free Support and Installation” />

We’ve tried to create the most complex Webdesign editor but also we wanted to make it very simple to use it. Please take a look at Features section and see if we succeded

If you don’t find a feature that you need, no problem, let’s builded together. You tell us what you want It to do and we will builded it for you

For any problem / feature request please create a ticket here or contact us.

<img src=”; title=”Synoptic Live Visual Webdesign Editor – How it works” alt=”Synoptic Live Visual Webdesign Editor – How it works” />

After you have installed the Synoptic – Live Visual Webdesign editor in your website ( in maximum 5 minutes ) and you enable it all the areas from your website became editables.Then you can edit color, font, size,borders, margins, paddings … ( almost all CSS properties ) as you want for each area selected by you for every device and resolution.

After you made all changes wanted all you have to do is to publish its and your website visitors will see its.

Also the published changes are saved into history and you have possibility to roll back at other published version ( if you don’t like some changes ) or you can just delete unwanted changes..

<img src=”; title=”Synoptic Live Visual Webdesign Editor – Features” alt=”Synoptic Live Visual Webdesign Editor – Features” />

<img src=”; title=”Synoptic Live Visual Webdesign Editor – Fast Instalation” alt=”Synoptic Live Visual Webdesign Editor – Fast Instalation” />

Synoptic – Live Visual Webdesign editor have an installation panel which make the installation very fast.You can install it in maximum 5 minutes. If don’t succeded we will do it FREE for you.

<img src=”; title=”Synoptic Live Visual Webdesign Editor – Edit Design” alt=”Synoptic Live Visual Webdesign Editor – Edit Design” />

You can edit design of your website elements very easy and fast with Synoptic – Live Visual Webdesign editor. You can edit normal and hover CSS properties of every element from your website.

The html tags autodected by Synoptic and allowed for editing are : h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, div, p, table, span, img, ul, li, ol, thead,tbody, tfoot, tr, td, form, fieldset, legend, label, button, input, textarea, select, strong, code, br, article, aside, bdi, details, dialog, figcaption, figure, footer, header, main, mark, menuitem, meterm nav, progress, rp, rt, ruby, section, summary, time, wbr, datalist, keygen, output, canvas, svg, audio, embed, source, track, video, area, map, object, param, pre, a, b, i, th. If you need other tag just tell us and in maximum 30 minutes we will add it. for you.

The CSS properties that you can change its for every element of your website are : text color, size, font family, text weight, text align, line height, text style, text decoration, text transform, font variant, letters spacing, word spacing, vertical align, white space, background color, background repeat, background image, width, height, padding top, padding left, padding bottom, padding right, margin top, margin left, margin bottom, margin right, border, border color, border radius, display, outline, outline color, position, top, left, bottom, right, overflow, z-index, float, clear, background size, background position x, background position y, visibility, border top, border left, border bottom, border right, border top color, border left color, border bottom color, border right color, border top radius, border left radius, border bottom radius, border right radius, border collapse, border spacing, caption side, content, page break before, page break after, page break inside, orphans, widows, cursor, direction, min width, max width, min height, max height, table layout and list type – if is an element of list. If you need other propertie just tell us and we will add it. for you.

<img src=”; title=”Synoptic Live Visual Webdesign Editor – Ultraspeed” alt=”Synoptic Live Visual Webdesign Editor – Ultraspeed” />

All changes are saved in a generated minified CSS file which made that all changes to be applied very fast in your website.

<img src=”; title=”Synoptic Live Visual Webdesign Editor – Play Safe” alt=”Synoptic Live Visual Webdesign Editor – Play Safe” />

You don’t need any development website. You can develop directly on your live website.You can do all changes you want without anybody seeing your devolopment modifications. You can try a lot of modifications and when you like its you just publish its and then everyone will see it.

<img src=”; title=”Synoptic Live Visual Webdesign Editor – Google Fonts” alt=”Synoptic Live Visual Webdesign Editor – Google Fonts” />

If you want to make your website user friendly you can change the fonts of your website with over 600 Google fonts.

<img src=”; title=”Synoptic Live Visual Webdesign Editor – Multilingual” alt=”Synoptic Live Visual Webdesign Editor – Multilingual” />

We wanted that our plugin to be very easy to use for everyone so we build it multilingual and we translated it in most used 10 languages in the world. (arabic, chinese, english, french, german, hindi, italian, portuguese, russian and spanish). Also if you need to use it in other language please tell us and we will translate it for you.

<img src=”; title=”Synoptic Live Visual Webdesign Editor – Copy Paste” alt=”Synoptic Live Visual Webdesign Editor – Copy Paste” />

If you want to copy a design from an element to another you must click on copy design from wanted element and then click on paste design to your element. This option was created to edit faster your website design.

Also we created other options which can help you. (like possiility to edit design of multiple elements in same time).

<img src=”; title=”Synoptic Live Visual Webdesign Editor – Responsive Design” alt=”Synoptic Live Visual Webdesign Editor – Responsive Design” />

You can edit your the design of your website to look fine for every device and resolution. If your website is not responsive design yet you can make it very easy with Synoptic – Live Visual Webdesign editor.

<img src=”; title=”Synoptic Live Visual Webdesign Editor – History Roll back” alt=”Synoptic Live Visual Webdesign Editor – History Roll back” />

All your published sessions are saved in history and you have possibility to roll back in at every session you want.Also you have possibility to delete some unwanted sessions.

<img src=”; title=”Synoptic Live Visual Webdesign Editor – Compare Design” alt=”Synoptic Live Visual Webdesign Editor – Compare Design” />

You have possibility to compare originail design with new design created with Synoptic – Live Visual Webdesign editor.

<img src=”; title=”Synoptic Live Visual Webdesign Editor – Thanks for your help” alt=”Synoptic Live Visual Webdesign Editor – Thanks for your help” />

Your feedback will help us very much. If you have any feature request please just tell us and we will add it for you.Together we can do it better.

If you like our plugin please click here and rate us <img src=”; title=”Synoptic Live Visual Webdesign Editor – 5 stars” alt=”Synoptic Live Visual Webdesign Editor – 5 stars” />

Your rating can help us to continue the developing…

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