IMGCHAT is a web application written in php5, html5, css3 and javascript. It does not require jquery, mysql or any external library. In order to run correctly you must have a server which allows you to: create and delete files/directories; create and modify files; send email (if server cannot send mail the user account will be automatically confirmed, but it runs correctly); The web app is very complete under severals points of view: As for the registration there are a lots of controls on inserted data. An email contains the link to click in order to confirm the account. All the script does NOT need MySQL or any kind of database, it only works with php files. A news of the web application is the use of the html5 webcam to take pictures, with the aim of download them and the send to an user! You can set a time of viewing of the image. It can be 10 seconds but alse an year! This is a powerfull web application of sharing of photos among registered users.
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