Dan is a Full-Featured Social Snippets Application. It comes with many features to extend both Appearance and Functionality.
Some of these features are Responsive Default Theme, Membership System, Social Login, Full and Child Themes Support, Powerful Dashboard for Admins and Users, Default and Disqus Commenting Platform, Mega Configurations, Extreme Security System, Caching, Backups … and more.
Live Demonstration:
- Dasboard.
- Home Page.
- Explore Disqus Integration.
- Explore Default Comments.
- Please Note: Some of features Disabled in demo and also demo resetted after specifc period.
Explore Some of Built-in Features:
- Automatic Installer:
Just Upload dan and Install. Everything will be Ready In Minutes. - Fully Ajax.
- Responsive Default Theme:
Dan Ships with Default Responsive theme which Supports 13 Skins and Google Fonts. Also Child Theme and Themes Boilerplate Included. - Built-In Membership System:
Some of Membership System Features:- Default Login: It has A default Login and Registering system.
- Social Login: Dan Supports Facebook, Twitter and Google Login
- Password Recovery.
- Email Verification.
- Users Registering Over 28 Days Statistics.
- Users Blocking.
- Gravatr Support.
- Add, Edit, Delete, Block, Filter, Search Users.
- Open or Stop Users Registering.
- Alert Users With Login Data.
- Full Featured Snippets System:
Some of Snippets System Features:- Snippet Action Bar.
- 33 Snippets Editor Themes to Chose Between.
- 44 Programming Languages Supported To Chose Between.
- Public and Private Snippets.
- Draft and Published Snippets.
- Expired and Not Expired Snippets.
- Snippets With or Without Comments
- Public Snippets Search and Explore Page.
- Snippets Created Over 28 Days Statistics.
- Snippets Blocking.
- Add, Edit, Delete, Block, Filter, Search Snippets.
- Allow Only Users To Create Snippets
- Full Featured Commenting System:
Some of Commenting System Features:- Disqus Commenting Platform Integration.
- Comments Created Over 28 Days Statistics.
- Open or Close Application Comments.
- Open or Close Snippet Comments.
- Close Comments After Specific Period.
- Comment Replies.
- Comments Moderation Option of both Visitors or Users.
- Authors Can moderate Visitors Comments.
- Edit, Delete, Approve, Unapprove, Filter and Search Comments.
- Well Secured.
- Full Featured Pages System:
Some of Pages System Features:- Supper and Simple WYSIWYG Editor.
- Draft and Published Pages.
- Add, Edit, Disable, Delete Pages.
- Realtime Alerts:
Dan comes with a Realtime Alerting system for both Users and Admins. - Mega Options To Control Dan:
Some of The Mega Options:- Site title, decription, Language, Timezone.
- Maintenance Mode.
- Custom Styles, Scripts and Google analytics.
- Caching System.
- Crons Support.
- Plain and HTML Emails Support.
- Default Gravatar.
- Application Roles Tab for Snippets, Comments, Users…
- Schedule Backups or Custom backups.
- Compressed Backups.
- Backups Performed and Backups Count.
- Application Health and Updates Notifier.
- Theming Support:
Dan Comes with a handy tools to Customize Appearance:- Child Theme Included.
- Themes Boilerplate Included To Build Full Themes.
- Themes Based on Designer Friendly Templating Engine (Twig).
- Child and Full Themes Covered In Documentation.
- Visual Analysis.
It uses awesome Visual Element to show Unique Visits, Users, Snippets and Pages Statistics. - Well Secured.
Some Of Features To Boost Security:- Captcha Everywhere: To Stop Spammers and Bots.
- User Nonces: To Prevent CSRF Attacks. Nonces updated after Specifc Period.
- Automatic Escaping: To Prevent XSS Attacks.
- Comment Moderation and Disqus Integration: To Prevent Spammers.
- Maintenance Mode: To Shut down Application In case Of Attacks.
- Auto-generated Salts Two Encryptation Levels … and More
- Lightweight Application.
Dan designed and developed to run smoothly on a Wide Range of Servers. - Developer Friendly.
We Builded Dan with Composer, Grunt and Bower. Dan has a Well Documented Code Base. - Updates Notification System.
- Child Theme Included.
- Themes Boilerplate Included.
- Translation Ready.
- Well documented.
- Amazing support.
- PHP 5.3+.
- MySQL 5.1.7+.
- Apache mod_rewrite Module.
- PHP PDO Extension.
- PHP pdo_mysql Extension.
- PHP mysql Extension.
- PHP mysqli Extension.
- PHP mbstring Extension.
- PHP dom Extension.
- PHP curl Extension.
- PHP mcrypt Extension (Optional For Extended Security).
- PHP gd Extension (Optional For Captcha).
- PHP zlib Extension (Optional For Compressed Backups).
- Cronjob (Optional For Scheduled Tasks Like Backups…etc).
Version 1.0:
> Initial Release.
If you interested in translating Dan. You can download translation files, then send translated file to support@clivern.com. Thanks so much.
I’d be glad to help you if you have any questions relating to dan. No guarantees, but I’ll do my best to assist.
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