Introducing the Bitcoin Tools Suite. A high quality tools & information website script for bitcoin. Including 25 tool types and 31 pricing tickers paired with a modern, responsive design built on top of modular back-end code.
Bitcoin Tools & information
- Block Eta Estimated time until the next block (in seconds)
- Pubkey To Address Converts a public key to an Address
- Address Balance Get the balance of an address
- Address First Seen Timestamp of the block an address was first confirmed in.
- Address Sent Get the total number of bitcoins send by an address
- Address Received Get the total number of bitcoins received by an address.
- Address To Hash Converts a bitcoin address to a hash 160
- Average transaction number Average number of transactions per block
- Average transaction size Average transaction size for the past 1000 blocks
- Average transaction value Average transaction value for the past 1000 blocks
- Block Count Current block height in the longest chain
- Block Interval Average time between blocks in seconds
- Block Probability Probability of finding a valid block each hash attempt
- Block Reward Current block reward in BTC
- Hash To Address Converts a hash 160 to a bitcoin address
- Pubkey To Hash Converts a public key to a hash 160
- Hashes To Win Average number of hash attempts needed to solve a block
- Latest Hash Hash of the latest block
- Mining Difficulty Current difficulty target as a decimal number
- Next Retarget Block height of the next difficulty retarget
- Address To Pubkey Converts an address to public key (if available)
- Total BTC Total Bitcoins in circulation (delayed by up to 1 hour)
- Transaction Fee Get fee included in a transaction
- Transaction BTC Input Get total input value of a transaction
- Transaction BTC Output Get total output value of a transaction
Bitcoin Price Tickers
- AUD Australian Dollar
- BGN Bulgarian Lev
- BRL Brazilian Real
- CAD Canadian Dollar
- CHF Swiss Franc
- CNY Chinese Yuan
- CZK Czech Koruna
- DKK Danish Krone
- GBP Pound Sterling
- HKD Hong Kong Dollar
- HRK Croatian Kuna
- HUF Hungarian Forint
- IDR Indonesian Rupiah
- ILS New Israeli Shekel
- INR Indian Rupee
- JPY Japanese Yen
- KRW Korean Won
- MXN Mexican Peso
- MYR Malaysian Ringgit
- NOK Norwegian Krone
- NZD New Zealand Dollar
- PHP Philippine Peso
- PLN Polish Zloty
- RON Romanian Leu
- RUB Russian Ruble
- SEK Swedish Krona
- SGD Singapore Dollar
- THB Thai Baht
- TRY Turkish Lira
- ZAR South African Rand
- EUR Euro
- USD US Dollar
General Script Features
- JSON Cache Ticker data is cached to boost site performance and reduce API limit risks
- Bitcoin Donations Receive bitcoin donations using wallet links added in optimal places
- Responsive Design Bitcoin tools suite is built on top of bootstrap for compatibility across most devices.
- Dynamic Categories Categories are automagically generated from the tool modules.
- Linear Icons BTS uses Linearicons a beautiful set of line icons worth $59.
Script Requirements
- PHP 5+
- Allow url fopen
- Apache (htaccess etc;)
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