Efnify is a complete jQuery admin template that follows Google’s Material Design guidelines.
Efnify uses Materialize as a primary UI library.
It also includes 30+ material ui components and more.
Efnify is not only a great kick starter for your project but it also is an extremely good place to learn some of the advanced aspects of the Materialize and jQuery.
Online Documentation is available
- Google Material Design inspired admin/dashboard template
- Responsive layout (desktops, tablets, mobile devices)
- Based on Materialize css
- 6 Different theme
- Cross Browsers Support
- Collapsed Sidebar
- Right Sidebar
- Chart Options
- Multi File upload
- 900+ Fonts Icons
- Fully customizable
- Touch Suport
- Dashboard
- UI Elements:
- Buttons
- Floating Action Button
- Breadcrumbs
- Collections
- Collapsibles
- Dropdown
- Tabs
- Pagination
- Preloader
- Toasts
- Tooltip
- Waves
- Icons
- CSS Transitions
- Animations
- Box Shadow
- Media Element
- Pulse Button Animation
- Chips
- Cards
- Carousel
- Modals
- Range Slider
- SweetAlert
- Highlight
- Charts:
- ChartJS
- Forms:
- Autocomplete
- Checkboxes
- Chips
- Pickers
- Radio Buttons
- Range
- Select
- Switches
- Text Inputs
- Form Layouts
- Tables:
- Data table (dynamically loads data)
- Responsive tables
- Pages:
- Login
- Signup
- Reset
- Lock Screen
- Change Password
- Contactus
- 404 Error
- 500 Error
- Grid Page
- Color Page
- Helpers Page
- materialize Framework
- jQuery JavaScript Library
- Google Material icons
- quill Text editor
- chartjs
- Datatables
- Sweet Alerts
- animate.css
- Prism syntax highlighter
- rangeSlider
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