Health Sheba Hospital - Health and Medical HTML Template (Health & Beauty)

Health Sheba Hospital - Health and Medical HTML Template (Health & Beauty)

Welcome to the most complete, comprehensive and flexible HTML website template, for Medical Business. Goro Doctor Hospital is a clean, modern and minimalist responsive html Template. It’s especially designed for Health, Medical, Clinic, Hospital and Religious Websites. It can be used to promote your services.

  • Fully Responsive Layout (Bootstrap framework)
  • Cross Browser Compatible
  • Clean and Professional Design
  • 3 Index Multipage demos
  • Easy to customise
  • Google Web Fonts
  • Google Map
  • Font Awesome Icon
  • W3c validation/li>
  • Owl Carousel
  • Well Documented
  • Page Loader
  • Working Contact From
  • And Many more…

Source And Credits:


  1. Bootstrap Carousel Touch Slider
  2. Magnific-popup
  3. Owlcarousel
  4. Animate
  5. The Final Countdown for jQuery v2.2.0


  1. Flaticon Icon
  2. Fontawesome Icon
  3. pe-icon-7-stroke Icon
  4. Stroke-gap Icon


  1. Unsplash
  2. Flickr
  3. Picjumbo
  4. Pixabay

Google Fonts:

  1. Asap Fonts
  2. Open+Sans Font

NOTE: All images are just used for preview purpose and not included in the final purchase files

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