ThePfizer || Industry & Factory HTML5 Template, Build with worlds most popular responsive CSS framework Bootstrap. This is a clean and modern template that you can use chemicals, contractor, energy, engineering, factory, gas, heavy industries, industry, machinery, manufacturing, oil, plant, production, products, resources and any kinds of industries business service. It has a lot of features and responsive pages.
- Indented, Comment, Clean, Mark-up
- Clean Coding & optimized CSS
- Bootstrap 3.X Framwork Support
- W3 Validation HTML5/CSS3
- SEO Friendly Code
- Pixel Perfect Design
- 100% Responsive Design
- Easy to Customize
- Nice Documentation
- User-Friendly interface
- Cross Browser Compatibility
- Google Font Support and Embed
PSD Template pages
- 01.Home 1
- 02.Home 2
- 03.Home 3
- 04.About Page
- 05.Blog Grid Page
- 06.Blog List Page
- 07.Contact Page
- 08.Employee Page
- 09.Error Page
- 10.FAQ Page
- 11.Market Sector Page
- 12.Project Page
- 13.Project Default Page
- 14.Project Details Page
- 15.Service Page
- 16.Service Details Page
- 17.Testimonial Page
Note: Images are not included in download files
Sources and Credits
ICONS USED- Free Font Based Icons by Icofont
- Free Font Based Icons by Font-Awesome
- Free Font Based Icons by The Elegant Icon Font
- Free Font Based Icons by The Stroke-Gap-Icons-Webfont
- photodune shutterstock
- Pixeden Pixeden.com
- Unsplash Unsplash.com
- Picjumbo Picjumbo.com
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