Osahan Jewelry – Bootstrap4 Responsive Jewelry Light Template
Osahan Jewelry based on Bootstrap4 latest version. Osahan Jewelry is specially crafted for Jewlery, Diamond companies and online stores we spent good time to understand the industry and in result we designed the elements to give you perfect template to build your awesome website with ease. It’s 100% super responsive and it works nicely on smartphones, tablet, & desktops. Our mission is to provide 100% user-friendly template. So that every client successfully creates their websites.
- Clean & Modern Design.
- Designed based on Bootstrap4 latest version .
- Clean, Unique & Modern Design.
- Flexible, Customizable & Organized.
- Free Google Web Fonts.
- Fully Responsive
- And much more Fun….
Sources & Credits
- Bootstrap v4.1.1 http://getbootstrap.com/
- jQuery library http://jquery.com
- Owl Carousel http://owlgraphic.com/owlcarousel/
- Icons https://materialdesignicons.com/
- Data Tables https://datatables.net/
- Select2 https://select2.org/
- Google Fonts https://fonts.google.com/
- Unsplash https://unsplash.com/
Files included
- HTML files
- CSS files
- JS files
- Documentation in HTML
Icons Used
Attachment Files
- JS
- Images
- Documantation
If you need any help using the file or need special customizing please feel free to contact me via my Themeforest profile. If you have a moment, please rate this item, I’ll appreciate it very much!....Thank you.
Note: All photos are for preview only and are not included in the downloaded files.
You may get the pictures from Pixabay (FREE), Unsplash (FREE)
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