Cryptum is a Cryptocurrency Dashboard that uses Material Design components and Material Theming to create an on-brand experience with a data-driven aesthetic.
Well thought dashboards and attention to the things that matter is what makes Cryptum stand out from the crowd. Its dark UI gives a premium luxury feel, while also allowing its bright accent colors that represent data to stand out against the background. The high contrast between data and the background color make it easy to read its graphs and charts.
Cryptum is designed to display a large amount of densely organized information in a manageable way. Users are invited to identify patterns in the data presented, by cross-referencing and investigating information. It focuses on viewing, investigating, and understanding data. Infographics laid out in a dashboard invite the user to view a summary of their spending, including the details of a single transaction.
The UI is dense and direct, with an emphasis on typography, color, and shape.
- Live Cryptocurrency updates with Web Sockets
- Built with Google’s Material Design Web Components
- Well thought luxurious Dashboards
- RTL Supported
- 30+ UI Elements Pages
- Authentication Pages
- Sketch Files Included
- Dark & Light Skin
- Unlimited colors
- Chart.JS Widgets
- Supports all major Browsers
- Beautifully Coded
- Lifetime Updates (more apps and pages to come)
- Famous 5 star solid support
- All demos use Google fonts
- Material Icons
- FontAwesome Icons
ThemeForest new Site Templates items