Appwork Template is a Modern and Trendy Design Based template for admin dashboards and control admin panels. Appwork Dashboard Template is fully responsive HTML template, based on the CSS framework Bootstrap 4 Stable. It utilizes all of the Bootstrap components in its design and re-styles many commonly used plugins to create a consistent design that can be used as a user interface for backend applications. Appwork is based on a modular design, which allows it to be easily customized and built upon. Appwork admin dashboard works seamlessly on all major latest web browsers based on bootstrap 4 supported web browsers. Appwork Works on all major web browsers, Desktop, iPhone, iPad, Tablet and all other smartphone device Adding to all this enjoy a lifetime FREE updates!
Real Features
- 3+ Different Dashboards
- 100+ pages
- 250+ UI Components
- Applications
- Amazingly well designed and carefully coded
- Unlimited Color
- Data Table Export to CSV, Excel, PDF, Copy and Print
- Megamenu (Save $12)
- Lightbox
- Summernote
- Range Slider
- Left/Top Sidebar Themes
- Lots of widgets
- Bootstrap 4.1.3 Beta
- 1400+ Fonts Icons
- Fully Responsive pages
- Easy to customize
- Many Charts Options
- Multi File upload
- Lots of Table Examples
- Validation Forms
- Multi File upload
- Awsome Support
- Chat Application (New)
- Mail box
- Inbox detail
- Compose mail
- Contact / Employee Listing (New)
- Task Board Application
- Calendar Application
- Ticket Application
- Etc
UI Elements
- Panels and Wells
- Buttons
- Dropdown Buttons
- Group Buttons
- Tooltip
- Sweat alert
- Typography
- Grid
- Tabs
- Stylish Tabs
- User Cards
- Modals
- Progress Bars
- Notifications
- Notifications-2
- Carousel
- List & Media object
- Timeline
- Nesteble
- Bootstrap UI
- Stylish Tooltip (New
CSS and JavaScripts Libraries:
- Bootstrap 4.1.3
- FontAwesome 4 Icons
- Elegant icon
- Et- line icon
- Pe-icon-7-Stroke
- Owl Carousel
- Etc
What do you get?
- All HTML files
- CSS Files
- JS Files
- * Bootstrap
- * Jquery
- * Font-Awesome
- * Elegant Icon
- * Et Line Icon
- * ChartJS
- * Flot
- * Morris.js
- * Sparkline
- * Chartis Js
- * C3 Chart
- * Graph Rickshaw
- * Idle Timer
- * Carousel Swiper
- * Bootstrap Slider
- * iCheck
- * DataTables
- * Full Calendar
- * jQuery UI
- * Select2
- * Magnific Popup
- * lightbox master
- * Sweetalert
- * Form Validation
- * Form Wizard
- * Counter Up
- * Unsplash
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