About Belle:
Belle is Multipurpose Template designed with simple, modern, clean & unique look. This is a trendy Template for your Creative Business website, Agency or Startup. It looks perfect on all major browsers, tablets, and phones. Just take the best Template of your choice, change the text, add your images and done!. Take a look at this wonderful Template and you will be impressed even more! Enjoy!
- Easy to Customize: Colors, Fonts, Content etc..
- HTML5, CSS3 & jQuery powered
-Based on Twitter Bootstrap.
- Valid, Clean and Commented code
- Cross browser
- Minimal and Clean
- Fully Working Contact Form PHP and AJAX
- Fully Working Subscribe Form PHP and AJAX
-Wow Animation
-Easy to customize and user friendly
-Friendly with SEO
-Easy to setup and usability.
-High performance
-24/7 Customer Support.
-Fully Responsive Template
-Trendy Look
-Awesome Portfolio with filters
-Magnific Popup
- Pricing Tables
- +14 Switch Color
- 20+ Popular Social Icons
- Google Fonts
- jQuery Validation Plugin
- CSS3 Animations
- Regular Updates
- 24/7 Support
- Documentation included
Sourse & Credits:
-Animate.css: https://daneden.github.io/animate.css/
-jQuery: https://jquery.com/
-Masonry: https://masonry.desandro.com/
-Masonry Filte: https://github.com/dynamick/multiple-filter-masonry
-jQuery Validation Plugin: http://jqueryvalidation.org/
-Magnific Popup: http://dimsemenov.com/plugins/magnific-popup/
-Particles.js: https://github.com/VincentGarreau/particles.js
- Font Awesome: https://fontawesome.com/icons
-Themify Icons: https://themify.me/themify-icons
You will need the following softwares to customize this template.
1- Code Editing Software (eg: Dreamweaver, Sublime Text or Notepad)
2- Web Browser for testing (eg: Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox)
3- FTP Tool to upload files to Server (eg: FileZilla)
Change Log
Version 1.0:
1-Initial Version
I’m ready to hire me for any customization or updates, just contact me at support@elamanawy.info
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