Pitar is a Creative & Modern Parallax One Page Portfolio Template is a perfect template for Business Portfolio, web studio and creative agencies. Responsive based on Bootstrap 4.0.0. This is one page for placing your information. All files and code has been well organized and nicely commented for easy to customize.
Main Features:
- - 6 Different Home Pages
- - 9 Color Schemes
- - Awesome Portfolio with filters
- - Easy to Customize: Colors, Fonts, Content etc..
- - Background (Color, Image) Versions
- - HTML5, CSS3 & jQuery powered
- - Fully Responsive
- - Valid, Clean and Commented code
- - Cross browser
- - Minimal and Clean
- - SASS CSS Included
- - 20+ Popular Social Icons
- - 200+ Fonts Icons
- - FontAwesome Fonts Icons
- - Google Fonts
- - Google Maps
- - Regular Updates
- - 24/7 Support
- - RTL Version Support Included
- - Documentation included
Icons used:
- - Flaticon
- - FontAwesome
Free Google Fonts used:
- - Google Fonts, Josefin
- - Google Fonts, Montserrat
Sourse & Credits:
- - jQuery
- - Masonry
- - imagesLoaded
- - Isotope Filter
- - Magnific Popup
Photos Credits:
- - freepik
- - graphicburger
personal site, responsive, freelancer, portfolio, profile, best, minimal, minimal template, creative, modern, clean, creative portfolio, designer, developer, professional, skills, artist,photography, studio, agency, easy customizable, easy, contact
IMPORTANT: Images used in the Preview demo are not included in the downloaded package.
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