Enterprise Student/Renter Accommodation & Reservation Motel / Bed Booking (Project Management Tools)

Enterprise Student/Renter Accommodation & Reservation Motel / Bed Booking (Project Management Tools)

Enterprise Student/Renter Accommodation & Reservation Motel / Bed Booking

It is a complete suite having a complete ERP + Search Engine

Rent Space is a Students/Rent accommodation search engine and being managed by :Owners,accountant,students/tenants and managers.  Rent Space implements features like Online student accommodation Reservation, Bed Search, Accommodation Detail , and its complete management.


Online Bed Booking / Reservation system

Rent Space is advanced booking system.

  • Where should I live?
  • What buildings have student specials?
  • How early can I Sign in a lease?
  • How does the waiting list work? 

These were the simple questions that some of Student asked, but none could seemingly answer back Before. In short, Students needed a Website like RentSpace. So, we created it–who better to understand the challenges and needs of students looking for a place to live ? RentSpace – the only housing expert designed for students.


Rent Space – the only housing expert designed for students.


Demo Link : http://techdynamics.org/rent_space

ERP Login : http://techdynamics.org/portal
Role User ID Password
Super Admin superadmin superadmin
Owner owner owner
Accountant owner owner
Manager owner owner
Student/Tenant business@techdynamics.org 1111

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