Server Requirements
- PHP 5.6+ (PHP 7+ recommended)
- MySQL 5.1+
- mod_rewrite Apache
- MySQLi PHP Extension
- PDO PHP Extension
- cURL PHP Extension
- OpenSSL PHP Extension
- MBString PHP Extension
- GD PHP Extension
- Zip PHP Extension
- allow_url_fopen enabled
Demo Informations
- Demo link:
- Admin Credentials
- Username: admin
- Password: admin123
- Demo link:
- Customer Credentials
- Username: customer1
- Password: customer1
- Easy to manage product,auto filter and etc..
- Create,edit & delete product.
- Simple to create coupon code and selected products.
- Receive payments from Paypal, Stripe, we have implemented payment gateways that are available in most of the countries.
- Great support ticket system with autoresponse, private ticket staff notes, ticket assignments, attachments, insert knowledge base link, ticket priorities, ticket statuses. Feature for auto importing tickets via Email Forwarder/IMAP method included. Let your customer reply and create new tickets via email, without accesing the client portal.
- Assign your staff to specific departments and ability to auto import tickets by department email.
Easily re-organize admin menu
- You can re-organize admin main menu and the setup menu from in few seconds, you need only to login in your admin area. No coding is required. Add/Remove icons to fit for your needs.
Email Templates
- Setup predefined email templates from text editor. Merge fields available and multi language options available.
Staff Roles & Permissions
- You can give staff a specific permissions what can do or can’t do. Role permissions can be overided for each staff.
- Manage all your staff members from one place.
- Sales
- Knowledge base articles (Track if your article is usefull to clients, improve text based on votes)
Knowledge Base
- Add knowledge base articles from text editor. “Did you find this article useful?” vote included in clients area.
Media Library
- Upload files in media library. Each staff member that is not admin have their own folder for uploading files.
Auto Backup Database
- Setup auto backup database each X days to prevent losing your important data.
Google reCaptcha
- Google reCaptcha available for admin login, customer login and customer register area.
Activity Log
- Track all staff activity. Adding new products, creating, deleting.
Release Notes
V1.0.0 – Initial Release
ReleaseCodeCanyon new PHP Scripts items