Codeigniter CRUD Generator + User Manager (Material Design) (Miscellaneous)

Codeigniter CRUD Generator + User Manager (Material Design) (Miscellaneous)


This is a simple user management and CRUD generator system that can be a starting point for a web app development or can be integrated into existing codeigniter project based on Codeigniter version 3.1 and hmvc (hierarchical model view controller). The CRUD(Create Read Update Delete) system is based on Grocery CRUD version 1.6 which is a proven and stable CRUD generator for Codeigniter.

The system also makes use of many modern developer scripts and systems such as bootstrap, jquery and material design.

Features include:-

  • CRUD Generator
  • Based on codeigniter’s HMVC hence easy to extend.
  • Easy to install. Has an inbuilt installer.
  • Responsive material design
  • Has a user manager which one can add, edit, delete, search, change user levels, change user groups and deactivate/activate user accounts
  • Easy to use and has a nicely designed user interface
  • Settings to activate/deactivate some features
  • Password recovery
  • User registration system
  • System validations
  • Disable/Enable entire user groups
  • Disable/Enable entire user levels

Demo Credentials

Admin Username:
Admin Password: password

The above accounts shouldn’t be edited. All data entered will be removed in a day or two.


Support and Documentation

Please drop us a line on with any questions you may have, full documentation is included with the program to help you with your projects.

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