CitiesDirectory Web Frontend (Miscellaneous)

CitiesDirectory Web Frontend (Miscellaneous)

Release Note

Version : 1.0.0
Released Date : 15 Aug 2017
# Website Frontend Features
1) Using CodeIgniter 3.0 & MySQL
2) Responsive Website
3) Carousel/Slider Effect
4) Explore On Google Map
5) Cities List
6) Items with Categories & Sub-Categories
7) Item Details & Gallery
8 ) User Reviews Items
9) User Likes Items
10) User Favourites Items
11) User Register, Login, Forgot Password
12) User Profile Management
13) News Feed 
14) Share On Facebook & Twitter

# Backend Features
1) Cities Management
2) City Registration For Public
3) Approve Or Reject City from Super Admin
4) Categories & Sub Categories Management
5) Items Management
6) Like, Review, Favourite Management Of Item
7) Inquiry Message Management
8 ) Registered Users Management
9) System Users & Access Management
10) Data Analytics Using Google Chart
11) Database Backup

How to extend web frontend for existing Backend User

We already explained details so llease take a look more details at our blog post.


Q. What technologies are using?
A. CodeIgniter 3 PHP Framework, MySQL Database, Javascript, CSS, Jquery, Bootstrap 4, Apache

Q. Is it support for both PHP 5 & 7
A. Yes.

Q. What is server requirement to host?
A. It should be fine the shared hosting with cPanel.

Q. Can I get source code and able to modify?
A. Yes, you can get all source for both frontend and backend and able to modify whatever you want.

Q. It is included Backend & API as together?
A. Yes, you can manage all content from Backend and then RESTFul API will transfer data in between App and Backend.

Q. Do I need to know programming knowledge to modify the app?
A. Yes, especially CodeIgniter MVC Knowledge.

Q. Can I use same backend for web and mobile apps?
A. Yes, you can manage all data from single backend.

Message To Buyer

All those features are ready to start and good enough for your full application development and customization. If you want to know more about it, please drop message to

Found Any Bugs? No worry at all. Please report to Appreciates it.

After you bought, don’t forgot to review and rating!

Images Credit : Randomly pickup some images from Google Search and Flicker.
- Some Images From Google Search
- Some Images From Freepik
- Some Images From Flaticon

CodeCanyon new PHP Scripts items
