- Dashboard – multiple theme changing dashboard. Dark and light mode sereen. Big, medium, small icon marking system.
- Graph – all users different and specific graphical term carry processable.
- Memeber panel – face to face editable profile base memebers panel. It mainain memeber details, make addmission and make category memeber base.
- Books management (book categories and books ).
- Requested books by members (accept or reject requests).
- Digital library controlling – library system consist with books stock, books category, books list, books maintain system. Issue and return process. Everyone can receive book any time.
- Internal messaging – html and plain sms writing option with receiptiont and subject based system.
- System setting – dark and light background color theme setting. Big, medium, small icon, border style and sidebar changeable theme. Footer text and sms enable or disable and more option settings.
- Session settings – valid required and numeric session year settings.
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