nMon - Website, Service & Server Monitoring (Miscellaneous)

nMon - Website, Service & Server Monitoring (Miscellaneous)

nMon – Website, Service & Server Monitoring

nMon enables you to easily monitor the status and health of linux servers, websites, services, IP Blacklists and more.
Customizable and reliable alerts keeps you up to date with the status off all you monitors.


  • Dashboard
    Overview of all your assets with open incidents.
  • Server Monitoring
    Easily monitor linux server metrics like CPU usage, disk, RAM, network and other with our one line install nMon agent.
    nMon supports the following distributions CentOS, Red Hat, Cloudlinux, Scientific Linux, Debian, Ubuntu, Fedora, SuSe, Slackware, Gentoo Linux, Arch Linux.
  • Website Monitoring
    Monitor your websites with nMon to find out whet it is down or loading slow.
  • Service Monitoring
    Easily monitor the status of any TCP or UDP service (eg. FTP, SMTP, HTTP, etc.) with checks.
    Furthermore you can test if your server’s IP address gets blacklisted or your DNS server is not working as expected.
    If PHP’s exec() function is allowed on your hosting server you can also monitor hosts with ICMP Ping.
  • Alerting & Incidents
    Highly customizable alerts are available for all checks and metrics.
    If an alert is triggered an incident will be created and you will get notified instantly.
    Incidents are closed automatically if the problems resolves itself.
  • Notifications
    Receive notifications via email, SMS messages, Pushbullet alerts or Twitter direct messages.
  • Pages
    Use public pages to display your network status without the need for authentications.
  • Multiple Users and Roles
    Multiple user accounts and roles are supported.
  • Multi Language Support
    System can be easily translated to any language.
  • Customizable & Responsive
    Multiple color schemes and layouts to select from.
    nMon is 100% responsive.
  • Quick and Easy Installation, Gravatar support, and many more…


To run nMon your hosting server must support the following:

  • PHP version 5.4 or greater (PHP 7.1 recommended for best performance)
  • MySQL version 5.x or greater(MariaDB 10 recommended for best performance)
  • PHP PDO MYSQL extension
  • PHP FSOCKOPEN enabled
  • PHP EXEC enabled (optional for ping checks)
  • Cronjobs


Version 1.0 (08 September, 2017)

* Initial Release

CodeCanyon new PHP Scripts items
