Multi Pharmacy – Pharmacy Management System (SaaS)
Ultimate solution for any kind of :
- Pharmacy
- Medicine Store
- Departmental Store
- Medicine Database
- Point of Sales (POS)
- Listing of all expense
- Invoicing
- Reporting
- Dynamic Dashboard.
- Dynamic Language
- Daily Sales Report
- Daily Expense Report
- Current Month Statistics
- Latest Sales , Expense and Medicine
- Sales Graph
- Quantity Update
- Inventory Stock Managemrnt
- Sale item
- Partial payment
- Expense Management
- Date to date report generate
- Sales report
- Expense report
- Sales Database
- Easy Settings
- Choose Any Currency
- Partial Payment
- Due Payment Management
- Device Responsive
- Use from online or offline
Do you need this software in your own Language ?
Please make a customization requestWe will deliver the software in your language within 24 Hours.
Web based Pharmacy management System
For Single Pharmacy
-> Install the application
-> Login as admin with username: and pass: 12345
-> Change your username and password from profile module.
-> Run your system.
-> Thats it !.
For Multiple Pharmacy
-> Install the application.
-> Login as super admin with username: and pass: 12345
-> Create pharmacy from all pharmacy module in dashboard.
-> By creating a pharmacy totally new and separated pharmacy system will be created for that pharmacy.
-> Give the admin login credentials to pharmacy
-> Thats it !.
Business Opportunity
Make a Platform for all pharmacy in your community.
Different pharmacys owned by different people can be managed by this single application. Create an account for a pharmacy and give the login details to that pharmacy. thats it !
Hi, yes we do, once you purchased lets know, we will carry the rest of the things.
Yes, we do, based on your requirements, we can charge a fair amount.
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