De-Workshop - Auto Workshop Portal (Project Management Tools)

De-Workshop - Auto Workshop Portal (Project Management Tools)

Deworkshop is a Full Workshop management system to automate your business, particularly for maintainance, repairs business, it has 2 main portal for staffs and customers, its allows you to manage your customers vehicles, creating files and jobcards where your technician can log job done and progress. it also allows your customer to check progress and discuss with you on the job, payment and more. It has a powerful invoicing with receipt and payments. it is built with security in mind allowing you to set appropraite permissions for all your staffs. In short it is a digital representation of typical workshop processes.

Features – top

Customer Database (Name, Contact, Email, Price level, Account Balance, Notes),

Vehicle Database (Model, Make, Year, Vin#, Plate#, Color, Owner – Select from customer database)

Price list (Part#, Name, Qty, Type, Retail Price)

And a Work Flow System.

Tasks for each customer are grouped in files

A file has four elements – Lead, JobCard, Invoice

Lead – File number (Auto), Customer (From Master), vehicle (From Master), Observation (Text area), Case (Text area), Mileage (Text box), Expected Delivery date. Save and Edit

Invoice – Add parts from price list and calculate total value. Payment via cash, stripe… print receipts (creates a pdf format of Lead and Sale) in a unique link.

Job Card – something like feed. where technicians, supervisor can comment on the progress of the job. the customer can also see this feed to keep up with his job through an access code for the customer

Demo Credentials – top

Basically we have a superuser (admin), accountants, technicians, supervisor and manager

  • admin has access all functions
  • manager access – eveything except control panel
  • supervisor access – everything except accounts and control panel
  • accounts can access account related functions like the accounts profile here and invoice inside the file
  • technicians access only job card – to log their tasks

Demo Admin Access:
username: admin
password: admin

username: manager
password: admin

username: supervisor
password: admin

username: accountant
password: admin

username: technician
password: admin

Customer Portal:
Demo Admin Access:
Access Code: 1234

Support Facility:
Please send us your product presale query, after sales developer support request, customization project and any other queries to our dedicated support:

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