Features List
- Easy integration/instructions into your current PHP / HTML site
- Progressively enhanced (fully functional without JS or CSS)
- Field type validation (HTML, javascript fallback with PHP backup)
- Required field validation
- Pretty select boxes
- Multiple forms per page allowed
- Repeat submission prevention
- No database required
- Cross Site Scripting (XSS) attack prevention
- Translations via simple JSON file
- SMTP option available (default is PHP’s mail())
- AJAX enabled (no page reloads)
- Google reCAPTCHA capable (no-captcha-recaptcha), honeypot backup
- CSS animations on messaging and active field
- Mobile friendly
- 3 Predefined demos
- Highly Customizable
- Multiple “send to” addresses on submission
- Optional success custom page redirect
- Supports file(s) uploads to attach to email
- Extremely clean, well commented code
CodeCanyon new PHP Scripts items