iTraining - Complete Training Management System (PHP Scripts)

iTraining - Complete Training Management System (PHP Scripts)

iTraining – Complete Training Management System

iTraining – Multi training management system is uses for manage training based organization like workshop, event etc. Or user can use it different purposes. Please read this documentation before you make your own.

Login Option username: admin password: 123456



Advanced dashboard with multiple excellent statistics and widget

Role & Permission

Unlimited User Role and Permission to assign user roles

Wave Manage

Their is trainee’s training schedule for all zone.

Trainee To Wave Manage

Assign trainee for wave and show other details in our system.

Device Manage

Trainee can get device in training time and generate agreement paper for device.

Operations Manage

Only coordinator can replace trainee one zone to other zone.

Country Manage

Their is multi country for brance in our system.

Zone Manage

Their is zone wise management in our system.

Location Manage

Their is advance location with room number in our system.

Trainee information

Manage and track all trainee information

Trainer information

Manage and track all trainer information

User Management

Complete user management with role and permission assignment

School Manage

Their some school with moe zone manager in our system.

Grading System

Their is a advanced grading system integrated in our system.

Subject Manage

Their is many subject for trainee.


Admin can manage course syllabus.

Evaluation Questions

Admin can add evaluaton question for trainer.


Trainee can give Feedback answer for trainer.

Import Data

Bulk Import data using csv like student, users, books, teachers, parents etc.


Coordinator can make attendance for trainee.

Email & SMS

Privileged users can send email and sms to any user or user group.

Notice Management

Privileged users can announce notice.

3 types of Gateway

Clicktell, BulkSMS & Twilio.

15 Different Language

We have translated our system in 15 different languages.


Advance reporting system for trainee attendance.


Administrator can manage system every settings options from this module and many more.

Reset Password

Reset password of any user is now very easy.

Unlimited user role & Permission Module.
Unlimited System admin.
Privileged User can create Trainee, Trainer, Zone Manager, Coordinator, MOE Zone Manager account.
Privileged User can create country.
Privileged User can create zone.
Privileged User can create location.
Privileged User can create school.
Privileged User can create subject.
Privileged User can create grade.
Privileged User can create course.
Privileged User can create syllabus.
Privileged User can create wave.
Privileged User can create wave add to trainee.
Privileged User can manage trainee attendance.
Privileged zone manager can replace trainee to other zone by operations.
Privileged User can create device.
Privileged User can create evaluation questions.
Privileged User can create feedback.
Privileged User can create feedback report.
Privileged User can change trainee setting.
Privileged User can import backup file.
Privileged User can send SMS/Mail for all user by group.
Privileged User can setup SMS/Mail settings for sms.
Clicktell, BulkSMS & Twilio sms gateways are available.
Privileged User can create notice.
Privileged User can print trainee report.
Privileged User & all user can change there password.
Privileged User & all user can see there profile.
Privileged User can block any type of users login.
Privileged User can reset any type of user password.
It has 16 different types language support.

Live Demo v1.0

Version 1.0 (03-02-2017)

- Initial release

CodeCanyon new PHP Scripts items

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