Facebook posts scrapper is fully automated tool to find the trending and most engaging content from your favorite Facebook pages
- URL – http://ift.tt/2qipmzd
- username: admin Password : 123456
- Some features are limited/restricted in demo
- Monitor multiple pages
- Scrap multiple type(status, photo, video, link) of posts
- Download Facebook videos to your computer or use video downloable URL
- Advanced filters to search the engaging posts
- Export the filtered posts to CSV file
- View post in script or visit the facebook URL of post
- Sort the posts list to find the required posts
- Group pages into different categories
- Click the insights of post to get updated insights at current time
- Import multiple pages via CSV file
- Export all pages to CSV file
- Delete All Posts
- Multiple users
- Emails on reset password and password changed. Easily customize email templates
- Detailed documentation and help section to understand different features of script
- Easy and simple installation, installation guide included
- Best customer support
- and many many more
Try the free Demo now. If you have any query, Feel free to ask in comments.
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- PHP 5.4+
- Mysql 5.x
Change log
v.1.0 – 21 May, 2017
- Initial Release
CodeCanyon new PHP Scripts items