GetFund allow you to create a crowdfunding platform in the most easy way ever. Campaign owner can submit a campaign easily to raised fund for their any reason. User can donate via PayPal and Stripe payment method to your platform. The platform owner can set this how commission will get a campaign owner. There are many powerfull features for create a full pladge and wide range crowdfunding platform.
The rewards, campaign update, faqs, comments, PayPal and Stripe is a major features of many. You can controle the campaign ends method, such as, a campaign will be auto stop to take payment from user when reaches its goal or end date expire.
Demo login email: Password 123456 Login URL
- Laravel 5.4
- Bootstrap css
- Powerfull user friendly admin panel
- Reward options
- Campaign end method
- Social Login
- Password retrieval module
- FontAwesome
- Social Share
- Secure Password Hashing
- Unlimited campaigns
- Staff picks section
- Recently funded campaigns
- Currencies changing options
- Ajax loading campaign in home
- Payment tracking
- Rewards tracking
- Auto campaign end
- User profile picture
- SMTP email Support
- Translation ready
- SEO friendly url
- Free and continues updates
Server Requirements
- PHP 5.6.4 or Greater
- OpenSSL PHP Extension
- PDO PHP Extension
- Mbstring PHP Extension
- Tokenizer PHP Extension
- XML PHP Extension
- Fileinfo Extension
CodeCanyon new PHP Scripts items