EncryptionBox is a powerful encryption based tool script allowing you to encode and decode strings online using 59 methods with optional hashing.
- 59 Tools
- Modern Design
- Mobile Responsive
- Easy Setup
Tool/Encryption Types
- md2
- md4
- md5
- sha1
- sha224
- sha256
- sha384
- sha512
- ripemd128
- ripemd160
- ripemd256
- ripemd320
- whirlpool
- tiger128,3
- tiger160,3
- tiger192,3
- tiger128,4
- tiger160,4
- tiger192,4
- snefru
- snefru256
- gost
- adler32
- crc32
- crc32b
- fnv132
- fnv164
- joaat
- haval128,3
- haval160,3
- haval192,3
- haval224,3
- haval256,3
- haval128,4
- haval160,4
- haval192,4
- haval224,4
- haval256,4
- haval128,5
- haval160,5
- haval192,5
- haval224,5
- haval256,5
- base64 encode
- base64 decode
- urlencode
- urldecode
- hex2bin
- bin2hex
- htmlentities
- html entity decode
- htmlspecialchars
- htmlspecialchars decode
- str rot13
- strrev
- strtolower
- strtoupper
- ucfirst
- ucwords
Server Requirements
- PHP 5+
CodeCanyon new PHP Scripts items