SlimarGame - HTML5, FLASH Game Platform (Miscellaneous)

SlimarGame - HTML5, FLASH Game Platform (Miscellaneous)

SlimarUSER – PHP User management system

SlimarGame is an easy to use arcade gaming platform. SlimarGame implements many powerful features including a user management system. The system allows HTML5, Flash player [SWF] and Embedded files. Administrators will be able to add, edit and remove games and categories. Users can sign up, have their own profile and be able to comment on games. SlimarGame contains a simple up or down rating type system other than the common 5 star rating, so people get more of a view on what people think of certain games.

Version 1.0


- User login and registration
- Powerful administration panel
- Secure individual captcha system for registration and login
- Public user profiles with commenting
- Custom avatars by upload & gravatar integration
- HTML5 & Flash game support
- Embedded script support
- Game rating system
- Ads platform
- Multiple templates
- Game comments
- Easy installation and easy to integrate!
- Passwords hashed with bCrypt

Server requirements

- PHP 5.3 and above
- PHP GD extension
- PHP PDO extension


Administrator Credentials:
Password: admin123

Change log

CodeCanyon new PHP Scripts items

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