Postman(Facebook/Twitter/Youtube/PInterest/Instagram/LinkedIn) - Scheduling Platform (Social Networking)

Postman(Facebook/Twitter/Youtube/PInterest/Instagram/LinkedIn) - Scheduling Platform (Social Networking)

Postman(Facebook/Twitter/Youtube/PInterest/Instagram/LinkedIn) is a scheduling platform for easy scheduling your posts on multiple social networks at once.



Admin demo

http:// (read only mode)
Username :
Password : admin


  • Built on Laravel Framework
    Laravel is one of the most popular framework at the moment and is full of features. It is easy to use and it offers a large variety of packages using composer .
  • Dashboard
    It cleverly shows how time is left for the scheduled post to be pushed to the networks.
  • Multiple Networks
    We have integrated postman with capability to handle multiple social networks at once, you can add facebook profile, page, group or event, twitter profile, youtube profile, youtube channel, pinterest board, instagram profile, linkedin profile and linkedin company
  • Categories
    We have categoriezed the networks so you can select category and schedule the post easily which is the upcoming feature releasing shortly.
  • Sources
    Connect your RSS feeds to auto schedule your posts as per preferred time settings of each network or push your add through Webhook in the format specified.
  • Posts
    Craft your own post with ability to add photo and video, we have also added emoji selector to status field.
  • Scheduler
    Predefine your time settings in scheduler for each of your network.
  • Admin
    Admin have access to modify permissions of the users, view networks, view posts, view sources, edit or delete user.


PHP version should be 5.6 or above. Get a cloud server at digitalocean for just 5$ / month . For getting read only access to git repository let us know through message , that will be easiest way to update your server .

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