MSMsys - Multi Server Monitoring System (PHP Scripts)

MSMsys - Multi Server Monitoring System (PHP Scripts)

MSMsys (Multi Server Monitoring System) is a standalone application built in PHP MySQL using Codeigniter Framework, that allow you to monitor, track and analyze all of your Linux based server network traffic, HDD, RAM, CPU & server load and network latency, also its notify you when you server down or using high server resources.

This is unique PHP Script for those who want to monitor any kind of linux based server, our agent (Python Code) dose not required any kind of web server (Apache,Nginx,lighttpd etc) to work with, you just need python 2.6* which come with almost all latest Linux Os, If its not installed you can install easily.

This not just web site monitoring product/tools, its also monitor gaming server, storage server, file server, backup server even home server. You just need a root access and a working Internet connection to work with it.

If you are a server administrator this is a great product for you to work with add all your or your clients servers in your account and monitor all at one place!



  1. Web Client is easy to install, come with step by step installer
  2. Come with 2 Different type of User Membership, Free/Pro
  3. Free Account Up 10 Server add
  4. Pro Account up to 200 server add *
  5. Extremely Easy and Responsive layout
  6. High Secure server monitoring
  7. Create your own Server Monitoring Website.
  8. Easy to edit language file
  9. Real time Graph Updates and Views.
  10. Well Database Optimization (Remove non required data every hours using cronjob).
  11. Server Down Notification by email
  12. Server High Resources Usage Notification by email
  13. Setup Notification limits.
  14. ReCaptcha Protected Contact Us Form
  15. ReCaptcha Protected Forget Password Form!

Admin Panel:

  1. Move Server Detail from 1 Account to Another Account even time zone are set in account are different.
  2. Active / De-active any Server Monitoring
  3. Active / De-active any user account.
  4. Website Settings
  5. Contact us Messaging Receiving System.

Agent Script:

  1. Written in Python
  2. One Line code to Install Agent
  3. Support all Major Linux OS.

 Requirements for Web Client:

  1. Apache Server (Maybe Nignx but never tested).
  2. PHP 5.4.14 + (PHP 5.6+ Recommended)
  3. MySQL 5.1 +
  4. Mod_rewrite (URL Rewrite).

Agent Requirements:

  1. Python 2.6 (Minimum)
  2. Bash (by default active on all server)
  3. Crontab (Almost available on all server)



Password: demo1234

Shared Hosting Accounts

PLEASE DON’T PURCHASE THIS TO MONIT SHARED HOSTING ACCOUNTS! This is designed for users with dedicated servers or VPS’s. It will not monitor shared hosting. And we don’t recommend to install web client (Web Script) on same server which you want to monitor, its because if server down the web client also stop working and you won’t received any notification, You may install web client on different hosting. SO in that case I won’t refund if you want to monitor Shared Hosting!.

You may use shared hosting for web client installation (Hostgator, bluehost, inmotion mostly cpanel based hosting work fine), Please don’t buy iPage,Godaddy and 1and1 those are not work correctly with our script due to post data filtration! (Shared Hosting good for if you want to use to monitor 25-30 servers). Otherwise use personal VPS or Dedicated Server!

Please don’t use cloudflare with your domain name where you want to install web client!

Your Linux server (which you want to monitor) must have Python 2.6 installed, otherwise our agent won’t be able to install and work. Also python installation tutorial included in our PDF tutorial!

Installation Service:

If you want me to install PHP Script and Agent on your server, you have to purchase 1 extra license (so 2 in total) then email me using my profile page with your FTP and database details. If you want me to install agent on your server I need SSH sudo login detail so I could Install Agent on your server. Please Note: With Installation Service You I will offer you 1 Free Server Agent Installation, if you want to install on more server you have to buy extra license for each Server Agent installation.


If you like it please leave 5 STAR RATING


Change Log:

MSMsys V1 (18-02-2017)
Just Release

Note: membership is hard coded in script, if you want to change limit of server add contact me, I will help you how to increase the limit. (Unlimited not possible)

CodeCanyon new PHP Scripts items

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