iUser - Advanced PHP Login and User Management (Miscellaneous)

iUser - Advanced PHP Login and User Management (Miscellaneous)

What is this?

iUser – Advanced PHP Login and User Management is a readymade system which will help you to start your project without wasting time in makeing user management from scratch, You don’t want to spend your time reinventing user sign-in and management features for the millionth time. Lucky for you – iUser delivers all of this and more! it has been designed from the beginning to get out of your way so you can spend your time working on your project.

Advanced admin panel

Multi theme for Admin Panel.

Custom Designed Admin Dashboard.

Advanced Dashboard with many Important project summery Widget and Quick add links.

Unlimited Role create and manage Module

Advanced Role based Permission with every action and ultimate flexibility.

Assign and Create new Permission is so easy, Just a matter of click.

Unlimited User Registration and Login system.

Social login with Github, Facebook and Google account.

Admin can Create, Edit, View and Delete a user. Soft delete included.

Admin can Block a user.

Admin can resend confirmation email.

Forget and reset password option.

Private Messaging option like chatting system in facebook.

Multi Language translate Module with auto Converting process. Just a matter of click.

Extension/Plugin module, You can upload new module with this.

In Settings Module, you can change settings of Backend/Admin panel,

Also you can change system settings very easily.

Also you can change Debug mode from settings.

Also you can change SMTP information from settings.

Custom Commands for making a new module and new theme.

Developer friendly coding naming convention and style with commenting.

XSS Prevent

Google Analytics in settings

Advance export module

Bulk Delete in user module

Admin Login

Username :




- Initialize release

CodeCanyon new PHP Scripts items

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