FB Inboxer - Master Facebook Messenger Marketing Software (Social Networking)

FB Inboxer - Master Facebook Messenger Marketing Software (Social Networking)

Facebook Inboxer is a revolutionary, world’s very first,most powerful and complete facebook messenger marketing software. This application can send bulk message to your pages’ messenger leads. And it is combined of suit of tools for generating messenger leads.

It’s a SaaS application. PayPal and Stripe are integrated for getting payment from users. It’s highly recommended to buy extended license if you plan to sell service (see license limitation below). But keep in mind that we don’t allow to sell service via JVZoo, WarriorPlus, Zaxaa,ClickBank and same other places.

This application is highly optimized and tested for couple of months before launching in codecanyon. Some great marketer are using this application everyday.

The application is developed with facebook official API. So everything is designed in legal way. But we are not responsible for your abusive use.

Before check out, we highly recommend to Read FAQ, if you have any confusion. If it doesn’t cover all, feel free to ask your question.

Key Features

  1. Multiple Facebook Account.
  2. Sync. Page’s Messenger Leads.
  3. Send Bulk Message to Leads.
  4. Auto Sync. Everyday.
  5. Multi-page Campaign Set option.
  6. Custom Campaign Set Option.
  7. Full Report of Campaign(Delivery/Unsuccessful).
  8. Custom Message With Individual Leads Name option.
  9. Delay Option For Each Message Send.
  10. Unsubscribe Link Embed Option.
  11. Manual Unsubscribe Option.
  12. Auto Unsubscribe Leads Who Blocked Page Message.

Lead Generator:
  1. Auto Private Reply for Post Comment.
  2. Highly Customization Auto-reply Text.
  3. Filtering Word Based Reply Option.
  4. Full Report of Auto-reply.
  5. Send Message Button for Your Website.
  6. JSON code generation tools for Facebook Messenger Ads.
  7. “Send Message” CTA Poster.
  8. Facebook Chat Plugin for Website.

Page Inbox & Notification Manager:
  1. Pages Message in One Place
  2. All Unread Message in One Place.
  3. Reply Option from One Place.
  4. Unread Message Information Notification to Email.
  5. All Unread Page Notification in One Place.

Other Features:
  1. Awesome Dashboard.
  2. Multi-user and SaaS Application.
  3. PayPal/Stripe integrated.
  4. End user don’t Need API Configuration.

Want to see a feature of auto private reply in action? Just click this link and comment on the post. With in a few minutes, you will get a auto reply in your inbox. And then you will be added in the lead list. And we can broadcast message to your inbox anytime when we want.

Responsive Design

Social Login

PayPal & Stripe Payment Method

Powerful Dashboard



Server Configuration
  • PHP v5.4 / v5.5 /v5.6 / v7 & MySQL v5.x
  • Make sure Apache server’s curl is enabled.
  • Make sure Apache server’s mod rewrite is enabled.

[Note: If you get “404 page not found” error then make AllowOverride in your virual host.]

Installation Manual

<<< See Video Example of Installation >>>

Demo Video

Live Demo

Backend Link: http://ift.tt/2mE20k3
Frontend Link: http://ift.tt/2mj1SUI
Login as Admin
Username: admin@gmail.com
Password: 123456

Feel free to create your own demo account if you are willing to test this app with your facebook account. Other users will not be able to login to your account. You can unlink your facebook account after testing.

Support: (you have problems, we have solutions)

Our team is ready to solve your problem as soon as possible. Please feel free to check our envato support instructions.We will try our best to get your five star rating.


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