oixit - Portfolio Template for Creative Freelancers (Creative)

oixit - Portfolio Template for Creative Freelancers (Creative)
oixit is a Simple Responsive Portfolio HTML Template for Creative Freelancers !
The code is rather simple and easy to be edited as per your needs. If you have some really basic HTML/CSS knowledge you’ll have no problems. Plus, the code is commented so it should be fairly easy to add your things.


  • 3 versions – static header, video header, solid color header (more in the future based on how the theme is going to do)
  • Built on Bootstrap 3.3.7
  • W3C Validated !
  • Responsive and clean design, straight to the point.
  • Working contact form with awesome validation (PHP Mail so make sure your hosting has this enabled. If the hosting has it disabled, you will have to use SMTP which is not included here).
  • Cross Browser compatibility (including IE 10 and above)
  • Fontawesome and Glyphicons included.
  • 2 background images included + 2 videos also included (the portfolio images are not included).

Fonts Used:

  • Open Sans
  • Jaapokki

Icons Used:

  • Font Awesome

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