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Metachords CMS is a search engine for guitar chords & tabs, bass tabs and other instruments.
Looking for a chords and tabs website?
If yes, this CMS will help you to create your own awesome and great chords and tabs project/website.
- Minimalist Design
- Fully Responsive and works on all devices.
- User Friendly Admin Panel
- Using latest technology such as:
- Laravel 4.2
- Angular
- Coffeescript
- Comment System
- Disqus
- SEO friendly URLS
- Social Media Integration
- Create unlimited Artists and Chords & Tabs
- Scrap chords from Ultimate-Guitar.com and save it
- Transpose chords
- You can adjust font size of the chords
- Night/Day Mode
Backend Demo Account: Username : demo Password : demo Frontend Demo: http://ift.tt/2krEbek Default Theme: http://ift.tt/2kHLxsl Ligth Theme: http://ift.tt/2krTgwnCodeCanyon new PHP Scripts items