Chameleon Invoice Manager - Invoicing Made Easy (PHP Scripts)

Chameleon Invoice Manager - Invoicing Made Easy (PHP Scripts)

Invoice Manager

Chameleon invoice manager – makes it easy to manage sales, create invoices , quotation , billing , receive and keep track of payments, do your business accounting and calculate taxes, use comprehensive real-time reporting feature to accurately measure business progress.

Chameleon invoice manager is a php application to manage your invoices/payments/quotations/billing/products/customers , build on Codeigniter. Also Chameleon invoice manager is highly scalable and easy to maintain due to it’s HMVC (Hierarchical model view controller) architecture and modular code base. and it’s back-end theme designed by AdminBSBMaterialDesign, So it’s easy way to find document or customize Chameleon invoice manager’s user interface

Settings menu to change your logo and information easily.

This is fully responsive web app utilizing the power of CodeIgniter and Bootstrap.

Create beautiful invoices , quotations , billing

Create professional quotations , invoices and billing with our beautiful templates. Save time and keep track of all your outstanding balances.

Reports that are easy to understand

you can now make better decisions anytime, anywhere.

Withholding Tax

Issue withholding tax forms to your suppliers with ease.

Live Demo

Admin: Username : / Password : password Staff : Admin: Username : / Password : password


Thank You!

Thank you so much for your interests. Your comments and ratings would be much appreciated.


February 16,2017
Version 1.0.1- Release version

February 10,2017
[Fixed] - Bug redirect to login page
[Update] - Button export
[Fixed] - chartjs error

January 29,2017
[Update] - tax for quotation module
[Update] - tax for invoice module
[Update] - tax for billing module
[Bug] - payment button

January 22,2017
[Fixed] - datatable error
[Update] - refer quotation and invoice

January 15,2017
[Fixed] - dropdown in table responsive
[Update] - Invoice module
[Update] - billing module

January 12,2017
[Fixed] - logo at pre view button

January 10,2017
[Fixed] - customers and products module

CodeCanyon new PHP Scripts items

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