Myfolio - Developer Product Portfolio (Help and Support Tools)

Myfolio - Developer Product Portfolio (Help and Support Tools)
If you would like to create a portfolio or looking for a complete solution managing portfolios, this product is a useful tool for you. This Script is the ideal solution for creating portfolios, showcases or teasers. It’s very easy and fast to create stunning portfolios and integrate them into your Demo site using Admin Panel. You will surely find the one most appropriate for you, which can be customized in a few seconds.




Backend Login: User: admin || Pass: admin

User features:

—Fully Responsive ( working fine with all device ).
—Product Category System.
—Easy to Contact.
—Social linkup.
—SEO Friendly.
—One Click Image ZoomUP.
—One Click Demo View.
—Full Product Description.
—Easy Purchased Link.

Admin Features:

—Informatic Dashboard.
—Category Management ( Add / Edit / Delete ).
—Product Portfolio Management ( Add / Edit / Delete ).
—Website Setting.
—General Setting.
—Home Page Setting.
—Logo Setting.
—Home Slider Setting.
—Top Image Manage.
—Social Links Manage.
—Featured Product Management.

Support Fecility:

Please send us your product presale query, after sales developer support request, customization project and any other queries to our dedicated support:

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