Datagrid Ajax Tables Data Management System (Database Abstractions)

Datagrid Ajax Tables Data Management System (Database Abstractions)

Looking for a fast, powerful datagrid system to manage your data? This script is for you! Easy to implement and extremely user-friendly data management system that allows you to create, read, update and delete (CRUD) information directly from inline fields. Integrated with PHP and MySql, the script was written by a Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP) using the latest technology to protect and prevent against vulnerability exploitation such as XSS (Cross-site scripting) and SQL Injection.

This data grid is extremely lightweight and doesn’t rely on any external libraries (it’s all classic javascript, no jQuery). This makes for great compatibility as the grid can easily be implemented in any CMS, script or framework.

The data grid is extremely fast (even on large scale databases with hundreds of thousands of records), and uses AJAX to update fields without page refreshes.

Customer support is extremely important to us and we have a team of developers here to help you get your grid up and running quickly and without hassle. Please contact us for any doubts you have pre or post sale. We’re happy to help!

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