brickPress is clean HTML5 Template. It has many features & well developed template.
brickPress is very clean and powerful business template that meets your need. This template is coded very nicely. brickPress is the Best solution for your construction business website.
The layout looks beautiful at any size, be it a laptop screen, iPad, iPhone, Android Mobile or tablets. Plus,It includes all document and extension for customization options that allows you to change the visual style of any elements without touching to single line of codes.
- Revolution Slider (Value $12)
- Creative and Clean design
- Responsive Design.
- Sticky Header.
- Box Layout.
- Font Awesome 4.5.0 ( over 510+ Icons) also for menu items
- Elegent Font (100+) for your feature post.
- Simple line icon
- themify icon set
- Unlimited preset color option.
- Unlimited module position.
- Awesome Megamenu and offcanvas menu.
- Bootstrap 3.3.2
- SEO Optimized
- and Much more…..
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